Revival Stories

The Moravian Revival of 1727

No one would have expected anything great from the Christian refugee community that took up residence at the home of Count Zinzendorf in Saxony in 1722. Forced to flee their homeland in Moravia, they settled in the village of Herrnhut. Made up of Lutherans, Reformed, Baptists, and the Moravian Church of the Brethren, they were marked by terrible disunity in the early days. In May 12, 1727, they entered into a covenant to focus on their areas of agreement in Christ. And they started to pray together... Later that year, a tangible outpouring of the Holy Spirit swept through their community.There was great hunger for God’s Word, total surrender to the Spirit’s leading, and hardly a day passed without seeing a mighty work of God in their midst. Although their congregation never exceeded 300, they would carry on an around-the-clock prayer meeting that lasted over 100 years. They would send out more missionaries throughout the globe in the next 25 years than the whole Evangelical church had sent out in the previous 2 centuries. No one would have expected any of this. No one except God, who saw their hearts and heard their prayers, and responded by bringing a powerful revival to stir the sleeping Church.


1. What issues do you think the early Moravians struggled with? What issues divide Christians today in our city?

2. What are 5 key truths regarding Jesus Christ that we today can agree over and even celebrate together?

3. What are 3 of this city’s biggest problems, and how might they be solved by a truly unified church first of all seeking God’s presence and His power together? What might God do?

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